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Friday, May 13, 2016

Buddy's First Holy Communion in #7QT

Kelly wasn't the only one celebrating sacraments this Saturday.  Buddy made his First Holy Communion.  We had a nice party with about 50 people. We had had a huge party with 120 people for Cowgirl's Communion, but Buddy just wanted his closest friends and family at our home. So, that's what we did. He was over the top excited all week!

Buddy was up from 4:30 AM!  He was exhausted and cranky by the time we left for Mass at 10.

It was a beautiful Mass and I was fighting tears the entire time. Buddy got to bring up the water for the offering.  He had been so excited all week but didn't smile once....

After Mass, he just wanted to go home but I strongly suggested we take at least a couple pictures. This is all we got.

As I was prepping for the party, Little Man entertained our out of town family while Buddy headed to bed. We still thought he had just worn himself out with excitement. However, the poor kid had a high fever. He spent most of his party in bed.  I felt so badly.

When I asked Buddy, a few months ago, if there was anything special he wanted for his party, he said, "Pizza, mussels, stuffed shells, and wings. Oh, and apple pie, apple cider donuts, and apples for dessert."

At first I thought that was crazy.  But, Hubby' s godmother convinced me it wasn't. So, that is what we had with a salad for balance.  Now, I'm Italian. My mother used to cater her own parties for 120 people complete with six entrees, five salad, four vegetables, and hundreds of cookies.  I'm not that talented but I do tend to overdo the food.  I ordered WAY too many pizzas. We had them stacked up all over and handed them out as party favors as people left.  Out of 14 Sicilian pizzas, 9 were left untouched. In fact, we only actually finished one pizza the whole day!  Oops!  

When we made up the thank you e-cards, Buddy asked me to include photos of the food. He likes to eat!  Honestly those are the only pictures I have of the party. The rest of the time I was running around and checking/worrying over Buddy.

It was a long night with Buddy moaning from fever discomfort. The fever finally broke around 2AM and he returned to normal, no other symptoms. That was just in time for Little Man, who had apparently eaten more than half a bag of sour cream and chive chips on top of mountains of pizza, other chips, Apple's, and donuts, to climb into our bed and get sick, all over!

Needless to say, we didn't make it to 9AM Mass and May Crowning. Buddy was really disappointed but it just wasn't happening. We did get some good pictures though and he was happy to show off his suit--of course, he still didn't smile too much. He doesn't like having pictures taken!

At the retreat, the kids all worked on this mosaic banner. Isn't it beautiful?  Things didn't go as planned but it was still a beautiful event and we have some special memories.  Buddy is just so happy to be one of the big kids and get to receive every Mass.  He says the host tasted different on his First Communion. It could have been the fever, or it could have been the sweetness of meeting Jesus with a heart full of anticipation despite feeling terrible.

How was your weekend?

Monday, May 9, 2016

A Psalm for Moms

I know it has been awhile.  I have been working on lots of little projects, most of which I can't share with you yet.  I will have First Holy Communion photos and stories later this week, but I wanted to share this little gem.  Our pastor read this psalm at Mass yesterday right before the Blessing of  All Mothers. It really moved my heart.  Enjoy!  (I found this here.)

 The 23rd Psalm of Mom

My mom is my shepherd, I shall not want; She makes me lie down under
cool, downy comforts.  She watches me play beside still waters.  She restores my soul.

She leads me in paths of respect, responsibility, and goodness, for I am her namesake.

Yea, even though I walk past monsters in the dark, I will not be scared, because my mom is always near me.  Her hands and her voice, they comfort me. 

Mama sets the table and cheerfully calls me to dinner, even in front of big, mean bullies.

She anoints my skinned knees and broken hearts with kisses.  She smiles and throws me a towel when my cup runneth over.

Surely, God's Peace, Power, and mercy shall uphold me all the days of my life, for my mother taught me to dwell in the House of God forever.

My mom is my shepherd; I shall not want. She makes me lie down under cool, downy comforts. She watches me play beside still waters. She restores my soul.
She leads me in paths of respect, responsibility, and goodness, for I am her namesake!
Yea, even though I walk past monsters in the dark, I will not be scared, because my mom is always near me. Her hands and her voice, they comfort me.
Mama sets the table and cheerfully calls me to dinner even in front of big, mean bullies.
She anoints my skinned knees and broken heart with kisses. She smiles and throws me a towel when my cup runneth over.
Surely God’s peace, power, and mercy shall uphold me all the days of my life, for my Mother taught me to dwell in the house of God forever.
– Unknown
- See more at:

The 23rd Psalm of Mom

baby-37519_640My mom is my shepherd; I shall not want. She makes me lie down under cool, downy comforts. She watches me play beside still waters. She restores my soul.
She leads me in paths of respect, responsibility, and goodness, for I am her namesake!
Yea, even though I walk past monsters in the dark, I will not be scared, because my mom is always near me. Her hands and her voice, they comfort me.
Mama sets the table and cheerfully calls me to dinner even in front of big, mean bullies.
She anoints my skinned knees and broken heart with kisses. She smiles and throws me a towel when my cup runneth over.
Surely God’s peace, power, and mercy shall uphold me all the days of my life, for my Mother taught me to dwell in the house of God forever.
– Unknown
- See more at:

The 23rd Psalm of Mom

baby-37519_640My mom is my shepherd; I shall not want. She makes me lie down under cool, downy comforts. She watches me play beside still waters. She restores my soul.
She leads me in paths of respect, responsibility, and goodness, for I am her namesake!
Yea, even though I walk past monsters in the dark, I will not be scared, because my mom is always near me. Her hands and her voice, they comfort me.
Mama sets the table and cheerfully calls me to dinner even in front of big, mean bullies.
She anoints my skinned knees and broken heart with kisses. She smiles and throws me a towel when my cup runneth over.
Surely God’s peace, power, and mercy shall uphold me all the days of my life, for my Mother taught me to dwell in the house of God forever.
– Unknown
- See more at:

The 23rd Psalm of Mom

baby-37519_640My mom is my shepherd; I shall not want. She makes me lie down under cool, downy comforts. She watches me play beside still waters. She restores my soul.
She leads me in paths of respect, responsibility, and goodness, for I am her namesake!
Yea, even though I walk past monsters in the dark, I will not be scared, because my mom is always near me. Her hands and her voice, they comfort me.
Mama sets the table and cheerfully calls me to dinner even in front of big, mean bullies.
She anoints my skinned knees and broken heart with kisses. She smiles and throws me a towel when my cup runneth over.
Surely God’s peace, power, and mercy shall uphold me all the days of my life, for my Mother taught me to dwell in the house of God forever.
– Unknown
- See more at: