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Monday, May 26, 2014

7 Quick Takes--Sharing is Caring

Happy Memorial Day, and blessing and thanks to all those who serve and have served.  As our Pastor said yesterday, "We don't get the privilege of worshiping here each Sunday just because God is Lord, many have given their lives for this privilege and we owe them thanks."

So, I am working on a couple of posts, but since Little Man is sick and seems only interested in hindering helping me type, I am going to attempt to put together a 7 quick takes post of shared wealth while he is distracted with a salmon cake (his favorite food)


First, Jessica at Shower of Roses is offering a giveaway through Catholic Child for a PAL (Pillowcase and Literature set) in honor of the Feast of St Joan of Arc.  Click over for a chance to win.

 This isn't a giveaway, but an opportunity for you and your children to celebrate the month of Mary in a fun way.  Kimberlee at Pondered in My Heart is hosting an Artist Trading Card exchange for children and adults to enter.  Cowgirl is currently working on hers, I will post pictures when she is finished.

Ascension Thursday is coming.  Jennifer at Catholic Inspired has posted a really nice craft with free printable. She always has such great ideas.

If you have never heard of Catholic Deals, please check them out.  There are always such great sales posted there and often lovely giveaways as well.  Currently, there is a listing of books perfect for graduates, so check out the list before you start shopping.  I always enjoy giving gifts that are faith based, how much better to feed the soul than just give money.

Catholic Deals 
Memorial Day is usually when I begin thinking about Christmas shopping.  I like to shop during the summer so that I have the fall to dedicate to starting school and then Advent to well, prepare for the Christ child instead of battling crowds and indulging in consumerism.  Whether you like to shop for Christmas right now or you just need some gifts or you enjoy a good deal check out the sale and one day coupon at the Catholic Company.  They have many items on sale and an additional 10% off coupon for all purchases for today only.  
   Catholic Company

The beginning of summer means the beginning of taking summer vacations if you are blessed to do so and the end of school, both of which lend themselves to finding fun things for the kids to do.  My children really enjoy coloring on car trips and we keep a bag of car safe art supplies, paper and coloring books in our back seat at all times.  Looking for some nice diversions for the kids?  Check out Charlotte's free Catholic coloring pages at Waltzing Matilda.  She also has an Etsy store that sell beautiful embroidery kits so you can make saint pillows that are "colored with thread."  I got Cowgirl one for Easter and another for a birthday gift for her friend, they were so well made and packaged.  I can't wait to see the end result, Cowgirl has been saving it to do as a summer project.

 Waltzing Matilda
This last one is a caring call for prayer.  Lena at Joyfilled Family is experiencing some really difficult times right now.  She has asked for prayer and I am joining a host of other blogs in getting her intentions out.  Please read about her story here and consider making a donation to help out her family herePrayer is the best gift, it is always free and benefits the giver even more than the recipient.

That's it for my quick takes.  Have a lovely day and please like my page on Facebook.  

Do you have any giveaways or deals to share?  Please comment below. 


  1. Congratulations on starting a blog and thanks for sharing the link to the giveaway!

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    What a kind post, thanks for sharing so many great blogs, events, and activities, and thanks for including the Ascension craft.
    I hope your little guy is feeling better and best wishes on your new blog.
    May God bless you and your family.

    1. Thank you. I have followed your blog for a long time and am always impressed with your crafts. The little one is getting better but passed it on to me, so unfortunately I didn't manage to get it together enough to actually do the craft. Maybe we can do it on Sunday afternoon--better late than never. Going to Mass was as much celebrating as I could muster. Thanks, again.
