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Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Talks: Part 1

The real meat of any mother/daughter gathering is the talks.  It's important not to lecture or over talk, filling every moment with someone speaking and the audience listening.  However, the information shared can be truly life changing because there are many mothers who have not heard these morsels of truth.  So, the presenters are not only teaching the girls, they are reaching out to the moms and showing them how precious they are in the eyes of God.  Over the next few days, I am going to post the main talks for our upcoming "tween" mother/daughter. Please feel free to use them as scripts for a mother/daughter of your own or use them as springboards for your own ideas.  I just ask that they not be published or used for profit without contacting me first.  Thank you. 

God’s Design for Our Bodies

All people are made in the image and likeness of God.  No other creature on Earth is anywhere close to looking or being like God, except for humans.  We are not completely like God but we have a lot of God’s traits—it is kind of like when a baby is born and everyone wants to know which family member the baby looks like or sleeps like or smiles like.  Men are like God because they are generally, physically strong; they are called to protect others; they are hard workers and have voices that get noticed even in noisy situations because they are deep and full.  Men are called to be fathers.  Women are special, too.  We are designed to be part of creating new people, we nurture and care for young, usually we are able to keep track of many things at once and like to talk and share.  Together, women and men show you what God Himself is like—He can do all these things, but He gave us each other so that when we come together we can worship Him in a very special way.  This is called marriage, a husband and wife’s love for each other and how they create, care for, and nurture their children is a special way of serving God.
Before anyone knew that you were going to be a new person in this world, God knew.  He was there at the second that you came to be.  He gave you an immortal soul in that instant and decided exactly who you would be and how your life would go.  Before anyone decided what your name would be or when you would be baptized or what special clothes you would need, God had already planned every one of your days on Earth.  God decided that each of you would be born a girl.  Everyone has a purpose and mission, a reason that God brought you here.  We will talk more about finding that reason in a little bit, but let’s talk about a mission that each of you have, one that each of us moms had, too.  Girls are designed to become women.  Before you were born all the decisions your body would need to make—eye color, how tall you will be, how your voice would sound, how your feet are shaped—it was all programmed into you by God, kind of like how computers have programs put on them so that you can do things like check email or watch a movie.  And part of that program tells your body when it is time to prepare for being a grown woman.  It doesn’t happen all at once, but little by little, from the day you were born, you have been growing into the adult God designed you to be.
Women are designed to be mothers, even though not every woman will be a mother or even carry a baby in her body, all women have a body that would allow them to do that.  That is very special, so there are some parts of a woman’s body that are special, too.  Women develop breast that are designed to make milk to feed their babies.  They also have wider hips, so that a growing baby can fit in their abdomen—and probably so that a growing baby outside of the belly has a convenient place to ride as his mommy gets all her work done.  These special traits make us look like women, but they are special gifts from God that make us able to help Him here on Earth.
Everyone has a special mission.  Some of us, like Mother Teresa, have very big missions that are well known and change many people’s lives.  Some of us have missions that are big, but are never written about in the newspaper or shown in the movies.  The point is not to be famous or rich or popular, but to serve God well.  There are many lives that can be touched in little ways, and like St Therese always said, doing small things with great love is more important than doing great things.  You may have started wondering what you will do when you grow up.  There are many paths your life can take.  Some women are called to get married and raise children, some women are called to marry Christ and live a life as a nun, there are other women who are called not to marry but to serve God in other ways such as being a missionary.  All of these paths are special, the most important part of each is that each woman is doing God’s will.  It is really difficult in the busy world to find quiet time to think and pray, but you need to do both to find God’s Will, and finding God’s Will is not a one-time occurrence, you must continually find it again and again, because there are always new decisions to make.  Try to make quiet time, even just a few minutes each day to stop and say a little prayer and then listen to God.  I like to listen to God when I read the Bible, or when I go to Adoration and everything is so peaceful and still.  Sometime this week, come up with a plan of how you will find 5 minutes of quiet to spend with God, and also how to find just a few more minutes to pray with your mom so that the two of you can have some special time with God together.
We are going to do a couple of fun activities right now and they are ones that you need to work on with your mom.  The first is called “When I was your age/When I am your age.”  I am going to give each of you a piece of paper with some sentences that are started but not finished.  For the moms, the sentences are about when she was your age, so she needs to try to remember back to being your age and fill in the blanks.  For the girls, the sentences are about what you hope, dream, or believe life will be like for you once you get to be the age your mom is now.  Everyone will have some time to fill in their paper and then each mom and her daughter(s) will take a few minutes to share their answers with each other.  Let’s do that now.

(Complete pages and share—about 5-7 mins)**I will be posting these documents next week!

This is the last part of this talk, the girls are going to start a craft that they will finish while the moms are getting everything set up for the tea.  This craft is also a special memento of this day.  You are each going to make a photo frame and I will come around and take a picture of each mother/daughter pair.  Then I will send the pictures to you once I have had them developed, and you can put them in the frame to remember this special day.  The frames are going to be decorated with puzzle pieces, because life is like a puzzle, every piece is a mystery until it is put in place, so we need to remember to pray and ask God for guidance all the time so we are building the most beautiful puzzle for Him and so that we are always picking good pieces to add to our puzzle.  Puzzle pieces also signify something else.  God put you together with pieces of this and pieces of that so you have a lot in common with your ancestors, but you are also completely unique. 
(Craft part 1—7-8 mins)

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