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Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy St Kateri Day---lots of links!!!

Today is St Kateri Day, a saint that is near and dear to us.  She is one of Cowgirls favorite, and how cool is it that she is a saint, now.  Here are some links to help you celebrate.

Check out Catholic Cuisine for cute Indian corn cookies.

Or how about the edible Indian corn treats.

Jennifer at Catholic Inspired has craft links galore. We have made her peg doll statues in the past and they turn out so cute!

Monica at Equipping Catholic Families has wonderfully creative ideas, too.  Check out this Catholic dream catcher.

Learn more about the Lily of the Mohawks at the links below:

Santa Kateri, ora pro nobis!

Thanks for stopping by.  I apologize for the link setup, I am without my usual laptop.

1 comment:

  1. Here is another link
    How cute is that?
