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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Daybook: July 29, 2014

I have wanted to do one of these posts for a long time, after seeing Jessica's yesterday, I decided it was time to do my own.

Outside my window...
 It is very cool and cloudy, especially for late July!  The thermometer read 66 degrees when we got in the car to head to swim lessons.  I was cold just sitting on the beach, but the kids still swam all day and when they got too cold in the water, they moved the party to the playground.  It is so nice to see so many kids playing together every summer and watching them all grow.  What happy childhood memories they are building.

I am thinking...
That I need to start planning for next year more rigorously.  Almost all the books are purchased and the ideas are laid out in my head, I just need to get it all on paper to have a working schedule.  Seems I am always thinking of next year, thus is the life of a homeschool mom.  However, I am trying to live more in the present and not spend so much time planning, to just rely fully on God and rest in His Plan and Will--that is my goal for this coming school year! {...but, I still need to finally purchase a planner and get cracking!}

I am thankful...
for all of the prayers for my family and our challenges, prayer truly is the perfect gift!  I am also thankful for a beautiful community to live in and our loving church family.  I cannot imagine life without either one.  I know that we are not to hold onto the things of this world but to relinquish all to follow Christ, but at this point I am so thankful to be blessed with these great gifts!

Learning all the time...
it has been a big summer of learning on the beach.  We suspend lessons for swim season because so much of our time is spent on the beach and when we are home we are either cleaning up sand or too tired and looking forward to bed.  Buddy is now able to swim to the docks with no life-vest, he still has to be with an adult but has made great strides since refusing the enter the water at all just two years ago. Little Man has been perfecting his walking on the sand and can now cover pretty much the whole beach.  He was experimenting with walking up the grassy slopes by the fence.  He tumbled down a few times but was determined to learn how to do it like the big kids.  He is growing up too quickly!  

Celebrating the Liturgical Year...
Today is the feast of St Martha.  So, I am preparing a feast for dinner, london broil, roasted onion and parsley couscous, sauteed broccoli rabe and a farm fresh salad.
40But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me." 41But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 42but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
" Luke 10:40-42

However, I am contemplating how I can spend more time at the LORD's feet instead of toiling with housework.  I plan on resuming my monthly first Friday devotion and adoration on August 1st.  I've only made it once since Little Man was born.

From the kitchen...
it has been greens, greens, and more greens.  Our CSA is in full swing and the veggies are piled high in the refrigerator.  I am thankful that it wasn't just greens this week, and am trying very hard to run out of vegetables by Saturday night so we have space when we pick up this week's share after church on Sunday.

We have also had a bumper crop of beans from the garden this year.  Normally the kids eat every one before they make it into the house, this year I planted three times as much and so we are actually getting piles of green and yellow string beans in our kitchen.  They have been wonderful to snack on and dip in a little ranch dressing.

I am creating planning on creating...
a nice little banner for Little Man's highchair to celebrate his birthday this week.  I guess I better get to the store tomorrow, so far I only have the ribbon.  I'll post pictures if I get it done in time!

I am going... 
to our local Catholic homeschooling conference on Saturday.  It will be the first time leaving Little Man for an entire day.  I am nervous and excited at the same time.  After weighing the possibilities of taking him with me and staying home this year I decided that I am going to go and just come home early. I missed the conference last year because I was just getting home from the hospital.

I am hoping...
to actually get to sit down and type up my Josefina unit study   this weekend.  It has been a long time coming and I need to clear the checklists out of my!

I am praying...
for the repose of Sarah's soul and for her young family, what a heartbreak!  

for my family in our continued struggles as my mother nears the end of her life here on earth

for direction for my husband and I as we contemplate finding another home

for my dear friend, Jessica, and her intentions

and for so many others that I hold in my heart.

I am reading...
the last couple of pages of Style, Sex & Substance edited by Hallie LordI'll be writing a review of it soon! I am debating on what to read next, before I need to start reading teacher's manuals, texts, and such for next year.  Any suggestions???

I am pondering these words...
"We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend on material success; nor on sciences that cloud the intellect. Neither does it depend on arms and human industries, but on Jesus alone."

~St Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850-1917) 
I am listening to...
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  The children have been playing and replaying the audiobook over the past three weeks.  I just checked out five new audiobooks, but so far they haven't switched!

Around the house...
I am taking stock of all that still needs to be done before cold weather sets in--it switches back to cold weather too quickly around here--and scheduling family work days.   So far the only thing off my summer to do list is the bathroom redecorating, still much more to go including new gutters, new shutters, and a septic repair!!

One of my favorite things...
is my sweet Little Man, even though he is a squirmy, mischievous, sand-eating toddler.  This past year has been one of my happiest ever. ( Now if I could only figure out how to create a pause button to retrofit onto the kids, that would be my favorite thing of all time.)  Opening the hatch and seeing this little face smile back at me is my favorite feature on our Outback wagon.

Plans for the week...
Tuesday-swim lessons
Wednesday--planting spinach and kale for fall crops, swim lessons and sandwiches at the beach for dinner
Thursday--a trip to Picture People and the local bakery to celebrate Little Man's first birthday!!
Friday--riding lessons, a trip to the pet store to get Buddy a fish, and the last day of swim lessons for the season
Saturday--homeschool conference
Sunday--Mass, CSA pick-up, weekly Family Rosary at our friends'

A little peak at my day...
This little guy never stops, he is, as I call it, the busiest of the busies.  But every once in awhile he crashes after running around and trying so hard to keep up with the big kids.

The boys having a little mini-concert/dance party.  Little Man is "playing" the piano (read pushing the pre-programmed music keys) and the two of them are dancing their hearts out!  I tried getting a movie but they stopped as soon as the camera started, so this blurry picture is all I have.  But, isn't that what days with a houseful of kids is anyway, a blur!!  Have I mentioned how much I want a pause button???
Hope you are all having a blessed week! 


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