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Friday, August 29, 2014

Getting Ready for School in Seven Quick Takes

Seems all I can think about is getting back to school.  I do have a couple of more posts that I am working on, but school is definitely first and foremost on my mind.  (Although, I have a nagging sympathy for those being persecuted in Iraq that I suppose is above school).  So I am going to do seven quick take--very quick takes--of some things I have found around the web that may be helpful to you in planning your own year.  Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

Harrington Harmonies is a blog I discovered recently and if you have not yet discovered it, please check it out.  My first find that I would like to share is the Wildflower Study series on Harrington Harmonies.  Stephanie has a pack of note-booking pages to buy for only $2.99, but also a free study on sunflowers, and lot of other resources.  I am taking note of all this and holding it out for a spring study, when the year starts to seem long and we need something new.

Okay, so if you didn't check out Harrington Harmonies from the post above, maybe this will get yo interested.  I promise, this is an unbiased, unsolicited plug!  Stephanie also just started a series of lessons and projects on art of the ancient world.  It is wonderful!  I almost want to jump ship on the explorers and go back and do the ancients again.  If you need an art series or are studying the ancients, definitely check this out. 

Moving on, a blog that I just discovered yesterday has me wishing I had more online time.  Wildflowers and Marbles is a lovely Catholic blog that you must visit.  There is so much there, from homeschool lesson ideas to home organization; and just a whole lot of love and support for us homeschooling moms.  I especially liked her posts on Teaching Literature and how the Angel Food for Girls and Boys coordinates with the Baltimore Catechism I'm wondering if I can get my husband to spring for the books before next week:)  In the mean time, I hope to get a little more quiet time to peruse the lesson plans and book list!

Aside from lesson plans, book lists, and unit studies, it is important to refocus and gear up spiritually for the school year.  Another favorite blog of mine is the Contemplative Homeschool.  Check out Connie's 3 resolutions for a more contemplative school year 

After reading so much this summer about prayer in the home, I was happy to find a post on Creating a Monastery in Your Home on Catholic Sistas.  If you have never visited their blog, it is wonderful for every Catholic woman, so informative and up lifting. 

I have followed Catholic Icing for years--I think Lacy only had two children when I started--she is so creative and has great ideas. There are too many good ideas to list and link them all, but one of my favorite discoveries this week is this Mini Saint Information Sheet.  It would be good to use for preparation for All Saints Day, as a mini report, or even a writing assignment.  I think that you could also have your child create their own book of saints using this and have that be your language arts curriculum for the year.  (I need to stop looking, as I am posting I am getting tempted to re-write all our plans!) 

Last but not least, is a bit of a cop-out.  There is so much out there and very little time here, so please visit my Pinterest board on homeschooling.  I have all the links above and more.  I am also trying to compile complimentary links so that you will have all the resources to just create a unit study around any of these themes without doing the digging.  Have a blessed weekend and a good start to the new school year! 

Update:  Read this post on Blossoming Joy!


  1. I love, love, love homeschool posts with lovely links. :) Thank so much for sharing all these and for adding mine. God bless your year!

  2. Hi Jennifer! I just popped in to wave hello!

    1. Another Jennifer, there are so many of us! I am so happy to have found your blog! Thanks for saying hello!
