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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Happy Feast of St Lucy: Plans and Treats

Happy Feast of St Lucy to everyone. We were greeted early this morning with sweet saffron rolls, lingonberry jam, hot chocolate and this smiling face.

My sister in law took a trip to her nearby IKEA and picked up a large bag of treats. We have Lussebulles (saffron rolls), lingonberry jam, lingonberry juice, a special Christmas soda, some little marshmallow snowmen, and a few other treats. Now, I am not promoting IKEA, but I must say they have quality Swedish imports at reasonable prices. Lingonberry jam online went for up to $9 a bottle plus shipping. If you are blessed enough to have a Swedish import store locally, please support them, if not IKEA to the rescue.

We had breakfast in bed and spent some time relaxing before the busy day. We have a crafting afternoon planned, since we didn't get to on St Nicholas Day.  We are finishing up gifts for the family. I need to get to the library to print some items for godparent gifts. I am thinking of printing these Christchild ornaments and discouraging them onto foam board. I am also going to have each child design a special card.

Tonight, my husband and I have our TEAMs of Our Lady group meeting, so we are doing our main meal for the feast in the afternoon. I am making gluten free Swedish meatballs, hot buttered noodles (not gluten free), peas and onions, and the other treats from IKEA.  We will also watch Holy Heroes Advent Adventure, read about St Lucy, and listen to an audio book, then light our Advent wreath.

Later, we will go to confession and Mass. After which, Grammy will pick up the kids and we will head to our friends' home. I am making peas porrage to bring along, another Swedish favorite. It's a full day!

Remember, tomorrow is Guadete Sunday. Wear pink!

Santa Lucia, ora pro nobis! 

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  1. Just wonderful! I do adore Ikea as well and had their Lingonberry sundae not too long ago. It's always weird to try a fruit you've never had before, but I liked it a lot! Happy St. Lucia Day!

    1. Thank you. I like the lingonberry. It reminds me of cranberry. We are a family of cranberry lovers. I just hopped on to get the link fir the meatball recipe and saw these sweet comments. Thanks for visiting.

  2. Happy St. Lucia Day to you and your family!! I am hopping over from Heather's blog to visit. We too celebrated this special saint's day when my children were small. Now that they are all grown, I made my husband's Nana Olsen's (he is Norwegian) pancakes and served them with Lingonberry Jam. They were delicious and the jam adds just the best tart/sweet flair! Enjoy your very busy celebration day!! It all sounds so fun and yummy!

    1. Thank you, Winnie, we are. The pancakes sound delicious. I'm on a gluten free diet, so I had to skip the Lucy breads, but the kids say they are delicious. Happy St Lucy Day to you, too!

  3. Praise God for a lovely celebration and day full of family, fun, and Mass. May you have a blessed feast day. St. Lucia, ora pro nobis.

    1. Thank you, it was a wonderful day. Finally taking a breath after a full week of feasts. God bless.

  4. Breakfast in bed...sounds like a blessing!
    I hope you had a wonderful day. And Happy St. Lucia day!

  5. That breakfast in bed tradition is very appealing! Smart of you to get your supplies at IKEA.

  6. Lisa and Apseed, breakfast in bed is much more appealing when there isn't a toddler Our bed was covered in saffron bun crumbs. :) We all had a great time, though. The treats from IKEA were delicious. We will have to make that part of our yearly tradition, too. I don't know why I never thought of it sooner. Blessed Advent to you both.

  7. What a wonderful St. Lucia Day you had! And I wish we had an IKEA nearby to go to--- can you believe I've never been? wishing you many blessings! How sweet your daughter looks as your Lucia!~

    1. We do not have an IKEA anywhere nearby, but my sister does. So, she went shopping for us and then we met at our aunt's home because she lives equidistant from both of us (about 1.5 hours). Thank you, and blessings to you.

  8. IKEA is great! We like to do a traditional Swedish meal for New Year's Eve, and always serve IKEA's Swedish meatballs, if I don't have time (or energy) to make my own. And the lingonberry sauce is a must! Looks like you had a lovely St. Lucia celebration. Did you make your daughter's gown?

  9. I would like to try the Swedish meatballs, but since I'm gluten intolerant, I had make my own. All the lingonberry treats were delicious. We really liked the marshmallow snowmen, too.

    I made the crown and have a tutorial up, but bought the gown on eBay. It is actually a ladies small dressing gown. It is beautiful. I had to hem it up in the front about ten inches, but at least I know she won't outgrow it! God bless.

  10. Here is the link
