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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pretty- Happy- Funny- Real: The Little Man Edition

I have really been struggling with getting a post up, so I decided to jump on board when Auntie Leila posted her first {p, h, f, r} of the year.

The children are all growing so rapidly, but I notice it most with Little Man. He is decidedly not a baby and changing so much right before my eyes.


These two snuck outside for just a short play (It was SO cold!) Look at those pretty eyes and rosy cheeks.

Buddy is happy with his new bow but still making little bows out of every stick he finds.  He was even happier when Little Man took an interest in his newest creation and said clear as a bell, "Bow, bow!" 

He is in the midst of a language explosion. One of his other new words is "Big," his name for his big brother.


That funny little face is growing and changing. He has learned how to make silly faces and imitate his siblings. Little Man is very, very busy, so it is difficult to get photos that aren't just blurs. However, when he decides he wants his picture taken, it's all cheese.

At 17 months old, Little Man already knows how to turn sticks into weapons and initiate a duel. His fencing skills are quite impressive, I must say.  Buddy doesn't cut him any slack and he can hold his own. So, to be clear, this little guy REAL-ly did find these sticks in his brother's collection, bring one to his brother, and initiate the fight. I don't know if that is REAL-ly amazing or REAL-ly scary.

How is your week going?

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