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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pretty-Happy-Funny-Real:The Pro-Life Edition

Today is a bitter-sweet day each year. Twenty-one year's ago, my husband took me on our first date for a lovely dinner and a movie. Forty-two years ago, my beloved country passed the most heartbreaking of laws allowing our most innocent to be killed. Life has never been the same on both counts, although as my husband and I have grown in our reverence of human life, our desire for children, and our love for all of God's creatures, our country has gone the opposite way and we are all suffering because of it.

I know I have mentioned this book before, but I would like to once again draw your attention to this beautiful book. 

Also a companion story that is truly spectacular. If you want your children to value life fill their hearts and minds with all that is true and beautiful.

My children were happy to get this video from Holy Heroes and I was happy that it touched them so deeply. 

It's Funny how as a nation we say we want want equality and opportunity and freedom but our actions say exactly the opposite. This film from Father Barron is a must see for everyone!

Hear who Jane Roe really is and why she is fighting AGAINST the law that bears her name.

That's it folks. God bless you all!
Linking up with Auntie Leila again this Thursday.


  1. The author, Susan Brindle, just lost her son-in-law to cancer:

    Please pray for the repose of his soul and for provision for his wife and children.

    And thanks for sharing their beautiful books!

    1. Thank you for letting me know. I have been following Annie and Paul's story but had no idea that they were related to Susan Brindle. I have the honor of meeting her (and one of her sisters) and she is a truly remarkable woman. I will continue to pray for them. Thanks for stopping by. God bless!
