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Friday, April 24, 2015

"There are so Many Stephen's"

Here is the wrap up of our novena in seven super quick takes!1


Please read what the Pope had to say about our Church's history of martyrs.


Just last month the Adminstrative Committee of the USCCB called for prayer and action in response to the widespread and bloody persecution of Christians.  Let your prayers not end with the end of this novena, please, please continue to pray!


Did you hear about the Bishop in Nigeria who had a vision of Christ?  Jesus handed him a sword and when the Bishop took it, the sword turned into a Rosary.  Prayer is our greatest weapon.


Then, There is the Bishop pleading for the world to notice and take action as Boko Had an (an Islamic extremist group that has joined forces with ISIS).  If you are wondering what you can do, make sure to read #3!  Also, encourage our leaders to acknowledge the tragedies occurring around the world. Ask your priests to have public prayer for the persecuted.  Find reputable charities to aid victims of persecution.


For Day 8 of the novena, please pray nine Memorare prayers, one Hail Holy Queen, and one St Michael Prayer. Please also pray the Mary, Undoer of Knots prayer for the intention of an end to violence.


Since I will be at a homeschooling conference tomorrow without internet access, here are the final prayers for tomorrow.

Please pray nine Memorare prayers, one St Michael Prayer, One Rosary, and the Mary, Undoer of Knots prayer for the defeat of enemies of Faith and humanity.

Please continue to storm Heaven for the end of this advancing evil!


Next week, I will once again sponsor a giveaway. In the meantime, please check out and enter Giveaway #1 that ends at midnight, and Giveaway #2 that ends next Friday. Thanks.

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