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Friday, July 24, 2015

Let's Get Planning: Early American History

Two Seven Quick Takes in one week.  I'm on a role and have actually met my goal of four posts in one week. (My next Catholic 365 article will be published on August 4th).  Here are our history plans for the year.  We are mainly focusing on American history this year after doing a lot of world history the past three years.  We will be picking up at pre-revolutionary times and finishing up pre-Civil War.

Land of Our Lady History Series (Set of 5)
After months of researching and a flurry of emails back and forth to Jessica, I decided to purchase the Land of Our Lady series as our history anchor text last spring.  We have really been enjoying it.  It is well written and highlights Catholic achievements that most books skip.  No textbook is completely comprehensive, so we still supplement.  However, I feel that this series is the most comprehensive of the history textbooks I have previewed.  Next year, we will be working in Leaders of Freedom.
We have been collecting the American Adventure series for a few years now.  We finally have enough in a row to use it as a continuous read in history.  These books could be a complete history study in themselves, I decided to continue to use Land of Our Lady so we get a Catholic perspectives as well.  Although I have not found anything anti-Catholic in the series, it is not a Catholic series so adding a Catholic touch make a more complete curricula.  We hope to read from volume #1 through volume #15. 
Famous Men of Modern Times
One of my favorite genres is biographies.  The Famous Men series is well presented with full color illustrations.  We will be using the Famous Men of Modern Times to highlight some of the men that shaped our history.  I wish there were a Famous Women series that includes only women who worked for good.  I have been trying to find a companion to this but all of the famous women sources I have found include women that I would rather not celebrate--maybe I'll have to write my own.  We will be starting at Henry of Navarre and reading through the rest of the book.  This will bring us back aways before the revolution but I think it will help the children understand what was going on that fueled the creation of a new country.
Holy Friends: Thirty Saints and Blesseds of the Americas: Amadeo, Diana M., Lombardo, Irina, Curreli, Augusta
This is by far one of my very favorite saint books.  My children enjoy it as well.  We have read through Holy Friends a few times already, but it has been awhile since we did it cover to cover.  This year we will highlight Blessed Laura Vicuna, Saint Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, Saint Marie-Marguerite d'Youville, Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Blessed Junipero Serra, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, Saint Theodore Guerin, and Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos. 
Liberty's Kids: The Complete Series, 4-DVD Set   -
I think that Liberty's Kids is the best cartoon series ever!  I really wish they would decide to do another series on the Civil War or another historical time period.  My children were pretty much addicted to this series a few years ago when it was on Netflix.  When it was discontinued, there was near panic here.  However, I found the complete series on DVD through CBD for only $4.99.  Right now, it is priced at $7.49, which is still a deal. 
Adventures in Odyssey ® For God & Country  -
In addition, I also purchased  Adventures in Odyssey For God & Country.  Individual tracks of the series can be purchased as downloads for only $1.99 each here.
I am excited to dig into this book this year.  I do not know how far we will make it with all the other reading we are doing, but the fact that it shows Washington praying on the cover makes me think that whatever we read will be worth it.  My children really like history so they will gladly continue reading this over the summer. 
Lastly, I am hoping to create a timeline with the kids starting at the landing of the pilgrims and ending at the civil war.  I will need to figure out where to hand this, as wall space is very limited.  As we study famous people and saints we can add in their details as well.  A book timeline may be a better option.  When I decide and we begin working I will post pictures.
How are your plans coming along?  Any American history resources to recommend?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I used many of these resources when we were homeschooling. They are good ones! :)
