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Thursday, July 2, 2015

{P, H, F, R} VBS, the Beach, and a Horse Show, Oh, My!

Linking up with Auntie Leila, again, this week.  Now, it is time for me to be honest.  My children tell me that I always make it seems like we are having so much fun but really all I care about is school work and chores.  They work night and day, no fun is ever had by anyone--EVER.  It is always winter and never Christmas. So, I freely admit, I am not the mother you may think I am.  To prove it, I have posted evidence in this week's Pretty-Happy-Funny-Real.  Sorry to burst your bubble.  Whew!  I feel so much better getting that confession out of the way.


The horse show


Vacation Bible School Wilderness Adventure Camp
A week of games, crafts, stories, skits, snacks, and lots of music. In four days the children learned and performed ELEVEN songs to praise GOD!  A minor miracle.

The beach--sun, sand, tug of war, ice cream, hot dogs, games, races, crafts, and a playground.  I only allow them to stay a meager six hours a day--it's funny that they all get so tanned in that small snippet of time.

Now, just in case you are still laboring under the delusion that my children are entertained in the very least, I have more pictures to prove you wrong.  The fact is that they spend their days working their fingers to the bone in the fields and slaving over hot stoves. I know, I know--a huge disappointment for you all.  My readership just plummeted.  Just keeping it REAL here, folks.


Hope you are having just as boring of a week as my kids!
God bless. 


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