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Friday, October 30, 2015

A Confession in 7QT

Linking up with Kelly for the final Linktoberfest.


This year has been a scattered year.  Lots of goodbyes and figuring out where I fit in the world.  Tons of waiting for a new house, while trying to be contented in the old one.  Times of not knowing what to pray for and many occasions of not really knowing what I want, but hoping that it is exactly what God has decided I want.

I've lost my focus, perhaps I never completely had it, but it is surely lost now.  I've realized that this blog has lost it's focus, too.  As I have journeyed this crazy road, my blog has ridden the immense rollarcoaster along with me.  I don't know if that is all bad, but, I need to refocus and get back to my original mission. 


I've decided from here on out, I will publish all controversial and BIG topic posts on Catholic 365 instead of here.  I still want to write the posts God gives me, but since He has provided another outlet, I think it more appropriate to use it in this way.  I will still link my Catholic 365 posts to my Facebook page, so if you are interested in following both blogs, please like my page.  I will love you for doing so!


Before Christmas arrives, I promise to finish my Works of Mercy Bouquet series.  If you are looking for Advent service projects for your family, these posts may be a great place to start.    


After the new year, I am going to start publishing my original plan for this blog, namely the Veils and Vocations program.  It will come out in five session segments.  Veils and Vocations, as I envision it, will be a meet up for girls to explore the different orders of consecrated vocations around the world.  I want this to be a fun club type endeavor that teaches faith and opens the girls hearts and minds to the possibilities for them within the Church.  No more complaining that women aren't important in our Church!  They are and I will prove it!


Along with my mission of serving girls and their mothers, I am working on a booklet/e-book/webpage /still haven't figured out the medium for pre-teen girls and their moms to share about the menstrual cycle.  I know there are books out there, but I haven't found anything that is just what I want to present this topic to my daughter, so I am writing my own.  I want a book that presents the facts and is honest, but is wrapped in the love and faith of the Church.  I am excited and can't wait to sit down and actually get the ideas in my head onto paper  on my hard drive.  


Do you remember my Mother/Daughter retreat series?  Well, it is time for a new one.  I am developing a series entitled "I am Loved!" that will debut this spring.  I am very excited.  The ideas have been spinning in my head for months.  This will be a series for girls 12-14 years old.  Please stay tuned.


So, I need a seventh take to link up with Kelly and I have already set forth a pretty ambitious plan.  Instead of promising more, I have a question for all of you.  What would you like to see in a book or retreat for a adolescent girl and her mother?  Topics?  Faith perspective?  Questions to answer?  Issues to be addressed?  Whatever you would like to get, I want to know.  Please comment below or email me.  Thank you and God bless!    

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Jennifer! Thanks for linking up! I think it's great you want to write up something on the menstrual cycle for girls and their mothers; I am a big supporter of fertility awareness for all women (not just those who are married and want to use NFP to achieve or avoid pregnancy) so I think your book idea sounds awesome! I think one topic about the Faith that would be good to address is the vocational nature of marriage. I think a lot of times, in our enthusiasm for the vocations of religious life and priesthood, Catholics forget to stress the importance of realizing that marriage is a vocation, and that spouses are supposed to help each other to Heaven. Another thing on the vocations theme that I think is important is to discuss consecrated virginity, because this is an option which women are continuing to choose, but it's usually not addressed in vocations literature. Thanks for a great post! :)
