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Monday, February 29, 2016

A Little Chat

So, I found Michele's post in my emails recently.  I have to admit,  I am behind on any blog reading.  Trying to keep up with the lofty goals I set for Lent.  Anyway, it got me thinking.  Maybe she is right.  I mean, I really love those chit-chatty posts as well.  This blog has been suffering from lack of time and energy, coupled with pressure (all self inflicted) to produce the best post ever, every time!

Here's a resolution to post more and analyze less.  We currently have some sort of nasty virus sweeping through the house--people are dropping like dominoes flies (if my husband reads this post he will appreciate my mixed up idiom usage)  So, perhaps I am a bit delirious--I feel like I am next.

How is your Lent going?  Too quickly?  I know what you mean.  I am so enjoying the Matthew Kelly's Best Lent Ever and St Paul's Center for Biblical Studies course on Mary and the Bible.  However, the best part of my Lent, so far, has been my last minute decision to throw together a small group study for 33 Days to Morning Glory.  I received the book as a gift at least four years ago, completing it in a group has made me stay on track and not give up.

These Lenten gems have been just what the doctor ordered for my homeschooling fatigue.  Please tell me that I am not the only one!  Middle school, Communion prep, and a noisy, crazy toddler have worn me down.  I keep asking myself, "Why am I doing this?"

I know the answers, I can give them myself--I just don't always like them.  I keep looking for another option, even though I know that one does not exist that will meet my goals and standards.

Speaking about "why am I doing this?" it is time to begin working on the Children's Stations of the Cross for Good Friday.  I was not looking forward to tracking down kids to play each part, and pleading with singers and readers.  However, God is good.  I already have five children signed up in the first few hours of registration--including Jesus, which is usually the hardest sell!

How about you, do you have any special events for children at your parish this Lent?  Thanks for stopping by to chat awhile. 


  1. Ohhhhhh...I love a good chatty post. THANK you!!! :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Michele. Hope all is well with you and the girls. God bless.
