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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Fave Five of Practical Gifts.

Has it really been almost a month since I blogged????  Really????!!!!  I apologize, time has been flying by and it seemed like only a week or two.  It's time to start again, though I don't know where.  How about a Fave Five post?  Okay, here it goes.

I know it is very early for Christmas for most of you, but as I have shared before, I try to avoid shopping during Advent.  Autumn is an extremely busy time with birthdays, back to school, and getting ready for winter around here.  Therefore, I start my shopping around now and try to finish up by the end of August.  There are always those little things that need to be purchased last minute, for those I know exactly what I am buying and where to get it, to make the last minute shopping as painless as possible.  My children have gotten so used to me Christmasing in July that they have already proposed gift ideas--aren't they lovely. :)

Here are my fave five discoveries for practical gifts that are still so much fun!


My daughter earmarked this kit and is begging to have it soon. At first I wasn't too sure, it seemed like a lot of money at almost $60 but, it does make quite a few bars of soap and she calculated out that it was essentially the same price as buying that many bars from the Lehman catalog.  So it is on my list to acquire this Fall.


Buddy has an interest in camping and survival skills right now.  I plan on getting him his own sleeping bag, but also wanted to get him an activity.  Making these paracord bracelets is not only a fun handicraft, it is also a great potential business. Buddy is always looking for something to sell.  These bracelets are fun to wear, but they are also important to have while out hiking and exploring.  The children purchased one for their father last year that has a whistle and flint in the buckle.  At Paracord a kit to make a bracelet that includes instructions, cord, and a buckle is only $4.95!  I think that I will get some extra cord for him to make more bracelets, as well.


We are a mushroom loving family.  I know there are those who don't share our passion.  My sister refuses to go anywhere near a mushroom and will not allow her daughter to even try them.  But, I digress.  Mushrooms are not cheap though, especially the fancy kinds.  So, I found this wonderful kit to teach how to grow mushrooms.  This kit is a steal at $14.  Once you learn, Everything Mushrooms has everything you need to keep your little mushroom farm going. I'm thinking this will be for Hubby.


Now as much as we enjoy our mushrooms, we enjoy our cheese even more!  Now that I can finally have dairy again, I can't wait to get someone to make me cheese!  Quality hand made cheese has always been something I wished I could give my family but could never afford.  Solution, get one one your children to learn how to make it.  This had been my original plan for Cowgirl, I may just recommend the other kit to family members and buy this one myself because all past attempts at suggesting someone give this to her have failed.  They don't believe me that she actually wants it, but she does.  It is currently on sale for $22.49 on Amazon.  a great price for a kit of this quality.  I need to see if this is something I can purchase ahead of time.  I plan on pairing it with this book and an extra supply of cheese cloth.


Catholic Icon Lacing Cards for Boys- Religious Quiet Toy for Church (Set 3) - Boy Saints 

That leaves Little Man.  He is tough.  He thinks he is a big kid and doesn't want to play with little kid toys, but can't handle big kid things either.  One thing I do know, he is the squirreliest toddler I have ever had at Mass.  I think these lacing cards will not only keep his attention during Mass but are much more fitting that him sneaking in a matchbox car and rolling in down the aisle--not that he would ever do that! 

Do you have any favorites to add?

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