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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Let's Get Planning: Cowgirl's 7th Grade

Wow, 7th grade.  How did that happen?  Seems like we were just wrapping up second grade a few months ago.  The jump to schooling older children in upper grades has taken a lot of adjusting for me and to be honest, I'm not completely there yet.

I had contemplated signing Cowgirl up for Homeschool Connections, but it just wasn't the right time to do that for any of us.  The amount of anxiety that she and I were experiencing just thinking of starting led me to realize it wasn't the right choice for us.  That's the great thing about homeschooling, lots of flexibility.

I decided, instead, to take a Great Books/Charlotte Mason approach.  Here is our extensive list of plans for the year.  I mixed print books, e-books, and audiobooks to give us the most options and make life with a newborn more bearable.

This is a fairly lengthy list of books, and our budget is tight presently.  I used Thriftbooks to find most of my books, as well as Librivox, and the library.  In the end, I spent about $120 on curriculum total and will have it for future years, since most is not consumable.  


Royal Diaries:

10 American Girls From History

9 Great Horse Stories

A Child's History of Art

In Art: Horses



Choose one Gospel to Read

Read about four saints of your choice that you know nothing about



Copy two paragraph of literature each week

Write a narration of what you read once a week




Sign Language resources

Continue Independent Study of Horse Anatomy


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