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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

All Saint's Day 2016

Well, I can't believe it has been over a month since I last posted.  The time has flown by at lightening speed--seriously the shortest month in the history of months.  We have been very busy with activities, sports, midwives' appointments, and life in general.  I have been blogging in my head but haven't had enough time to sit down and add anything to this little space of mine on the Internet.  Did you miss me?  I have missed being here.

November is a slower month for us--aside from the crazy rush to Thanksgiving that always happens.  I am trying to cut back a bit and not run myself ragged in these last weeks before baby comes.  Only 7 more to go!!!!  I am definitely in a mixed emotions season of my pregnancy.  On the one hand, I am still trying to get a grip on the fact that I am actually pregnant.  You would think with the big 7+ month belly it would be hard to forget, but there are still times that it absolutely amazes me!  Then there are the jitters and nerves of binging home a new little love, I'M JUST NOT READY.  I feel like I can't do it, this pregnancy has flown by even more quickly than this October and my brain can't process how close to the end we are.  I can't wait to cuddle this new miracle and know that everything is all right, the hard part of waiting and hoping is over, yet I don't want to rush a single moment any more than it already has been.  I want to savor every second of this miracle of deliciousness because I know that I will probably never walk this path, again.

I thought a day book might be a good way to jump back in here.  It's only been 27 months since my last one....

Outside my window...
 Autumn is in the air and leaves are all around.  I enjoy this time of year, it always reminds me of my mom.  This was her favorite season. She loved everything about it and once the trees begin to turn color, I have many teary drives around this beautiful area she loved so much.  The kids are soaking up the last bits of warm sunny play and I don't have the heart to stop them.  I know winter is around the corner and all accounts are calling for a cold, snowy one.

I am thinking...
that there is so much ugliness going on in this world.  However, my news feed on Facebook has been flooded with all the new babies from my Catholic pregnancy support group, just looking at them gives me hope and shows me how much beauty we still have.

I am thankful...
for God's provision, even when it seems we are losing the battle, He is winning the war!

Learning all the time...
Have I mentioned that I am learning to play the guitar with Buddy? It is a humbling experience to be in a class of young children and be struggling to catch up.  My body just isn't as flexible as their so it has taken a lot of practice to make some progress.  I am enjoying it though, it is something I have wanted to do for a long time.

Celebrating the Liturgical Year...
Today is the feast of All Saints.  Last night, my daughter's St Therese Scouts troop hosted an All Saints party.  We had such a great time! The kids all designed their own costumes and Cowgirl baked a delicious cake.  I made some allergy friendly dishes so that I knew I would have something to eat.  We played games, did line dancing, and shared a delicious meal with some wonderful friends.  Can you guess who the kids were dressed as?

From the kitchen...
We've been doing a lot of simple dishes with rice and beans. Trying to economize but I am not feeling very creative.  I can't wait to do some Thanksgiving baking.  I have been researching making a pumpkin delight--I delight in all things pumpkin--that is dairy and gluten free.  As much as I don't want November to go quickly, I am so looking forward to whatever pumpkin dessert I end up making.

I am creating...
some new items for my etsy shop. It has been pretty neglected this past year.  I want to breathe some new life into it and we could use the extra money so my plan for the next week is to make what I can to fill it up once more.

I am going... 
to be posting the rest of our plans for the year before the year is out, I promise!

I am hoping...
for a smooth labor and delivery.  Lately, I have been having flashbacks of Little Man's birth which was very difficult and traumatic.  I thought I had deal with all the emotions, but approaching another delivery has conjured them back up.  I am hoping to begin feeling hopeful that this time will be better and to breathe easy trusting in God's plan for this new life.

I am praying...
for our Pastor who had quadruple bi-pass surgery a couple of week ago,

for our nation and our Church that seem to need so much guidance and deliverance,

for these elections to bring our country together instead of tearing it apart,

for my goddaughter who has been having unexplained medical issues,

for our finances and my husband's new career, things are rough but God is good,

and for so many others that I hold in my heart.

I am reading...
Cardinal Sarah's book.  I am only a little more than half way through and have decided I need to read it again, too much good meat in that book to absorb it all in one reading. If you have not read it, you must!

I am pondering these words...

Lamentations 3:22-23New International Version (NIV)

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

I am listening to...
the boys set up for Mass on our covered porch.  Buddy is the priest and Little Man is the altar boy.  They even checked the calendar to make sure they had the colors correct.  Since I was up all night monitoring Little Man's breathing (we thought he was having an allergic reaction, turned out to be a cold) and am now coming down with his cold, this may be the only Mass I get to assist today.

Around the house...
I'm trying to nest and get ready for winter but my body is slowing me down.  With so much going on, we have fallen very far behind.  We have already had a few freezes and sleet one morning. It is time to winterize. I am hoping we get to it this weekend. I want everything clean, and neat for baby's home coming.  I don't know how to accomplish that!

One of my favorite things...
is feeling baby's wiggles and kicks, although the kick are packing a punch these days and are sometimes painful, but it never gets old.  I wish I could somehow bottle this feeling and take it out whenever I want for the rest of my life. I will miss these little love taps in a couple months. 

Plans for the week...
Wednesday- co-op all day (I hope, Little Man is feeling worse and so am I.)
Thursday- A day at home to catch up on school and cleaning.
Friday-- Well check ups for the kids, they are so thrilled!
Saturday-- Adoration and first Saturday Mass in the morning.  Going to a charity auction that Hubby is running in the evening, it will be nice to be out.
Sunday--  Mass in the morning, some rest in the afternoon, and Youth Group for Cowgirl in the evening

How is your fall going so far?


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