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Friday, May 26, 2017

My week in #7QT

Ok, so I am linking up with Kelly to bring you a little glimpse at the past 8 days at the Veils and Vocations homestead.

Last Friday, Cowgirl spent a day at the Parish Visitors convent.  She had a great time at the "girls day."  What an amazing experience for young girls.  This meant 4 hours in the car but it was well worth it.

The weekend was so busy.  I racked up another 8+ hours in the car those two days.  Good thing we have the van with plenty of room and decent fuel economy! Sunday, the boys had a fishing derby at a friend's farm for Troop of St George.  Everyone needs a friend with a farm.

Monday we tried to just catch our breath after a crazy few days.  I had that travel hang-over you get from long road trips but we were local and home the whole time. I should note that in our neck of the woods anything under an hour is considered local.

Had my first link up on #BeautyTuesday  Did you miss it?  Check it out and please be sure to come back next Tuesday!

There was that little incident with the fire ants,  four ticks, a broken glass, a maimed ceramic bunny, and a slow cooker dinner that finished cooking about 20 mins after we ate a makeshift meal, but hey, all in all, nothing worth noting happened around here.

End of the year recital for our fine arts school took most of our day followed by Buddy's Irish step class.  I truly appreciate that my children have these opportunities but I am so ready for summer vacation.  Eight hours at fine arts school followed by a step class is a REALLY long day with my littles.

Thursday was the type of day made for a warm quilt, a cup of tea, and a good book.  None of those happened but that was the type of day it was--rainy and dark.  

I spent a lot of time setting up social media accounts for my etsy shop and mobilizing the troops to lean up the mess that is trailed throughout the house after so many hectic days.

It's Friday, again.  We are supposed to go to riding but it is still damp and rainy.  However, we are packing up for a road trip adventure to visit family this holiday weekend.  I will probably drive less this weekend on our out of state trip than I did last weekend just staying local.

Say a little prayer for me.  This is my first solo road trip with all four kiddos.  Little Lady's first road trip ever--although she is well acquainted with car rides thanks to her very social and active siblings.

How is your week going?  Any plans for the holiday weekend?

To all my readers who serve or have spouses or children who do, thank you for your service!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am out of town and blogger is just not working on my tablet. I have been trying for two days. That means #BeautyTuesday will be delayed. Get behind me Satan!
