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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Book Review: Jesus Loves You

Do you like book reviews?  I hope so because I have recently been blessed by a bevy of authors sending me books to review. I guess word has gotten out that I am an unapologetic book addict!

One of those recent, and very patient, authors is Christine Topjian. She sent me a copy of her first book Jesus Loves You for free in exchange for my honest review.

I was very excited to receive my copy so quickly. Christine was a joy to work with and I can tell she is a very loving Christian.  The book is written from her heart. Her faith and love is evident from cover to cover.  It features colorful pictures that appear to be water colored, which is a nice change from the computer generated graphics in so many books these days. I appreciate true illustration.

Jesus Loves You traces all the ways that God walks through life with you and how He demonstrates His love for His children.  Beginning with the love God lavishes on new babies and walking through later life and ultimately Heaven.

This book is a sweet message of God's undying and abiding love. It demonstrates how He holds your entire life in His Hands.  There is nothing that is unimportant to God, and nothing that will make Him love you less.

I originally thought of gifting my review copy to my nephew who is also my godson, but then I realized it dealt with topics of life that were not pertinent to a five year old.  While the bright illustrations my lead you to believe this is a children's book, it is really more suited for adults.

The story is very short and simple.  Sometimes there is beauty in brevity.  I think that this would make a lovely companion to a present for a birthday, retirement, or just to cheer someone up.  It is not what I would call a gift book, but would be a lovely substitution for a greeting card--which are so overpriced, anyway.

It has been a pleasure working with Christine and I wish her great success.  May God bless you and your writing career! Thank you for allowing me to review this book.

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