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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Book Review: Secrets Kids Know

I promised a few book reviews, where does the time go???

I received a copy of Secrets Kids Know... That Adults Ought to Learn  by Allen Klein for free in exchange for a honest review of the book. It is always a pleasure to receive a new book.  Review books get special priority in my limited reading alone time, so I enjoy the privilege of doing so!

Allen Klein is a self-professed "Joyologist" whose mission is to spread joy and teach others to do the same.  I can honestly say, his genuine happiness, and love for making others smile can be felt as one reads the book.

This simple to read, though thought provoking book, will touch your heart and inspire you to examine your own life.  Remember the joke book giveaway?  How many times does a 4 year old laugh in a day? 400 times is the answer. On the other hand, 40 year olds laugh about 4--maybe!

There are strains and responsibilities, for sure. However, we are called to be like little children. To view God's world with innocent joy and wonder.  How sad it is that we lose that so readily!

Klein's book is part information, part inspiration, and part how to get your childlike mindset back.  In the seriousness of living in the "real world" we adult forget that it is the same world that wowed us as children and left us rolling on the floor in laughter.

This book was a pleasure to read and is so nicely laid out. The format aids us busy, serious adults with too many "important tasks' on our docket to easily read a chapter here and there and learn from a master of joy, Allen Klein. At the end of each chapter is a section of tips and tricks so the reader can learn to "Grow Down."  Tired of trying to grow up?  Wish you hadn't been in such a rush to be a "grown up"?  This book is for you!

I am thankful to have been given this book and fully intend to read it a second time!  When life is seemingly difficult and the carefree days of childhood too distant of a vague memory, this book was a breath of fresh air!  I needed this and truly need to sit down and try Mr. Klein's method to recapture my joy!  Thank you, Allen Klein, for the privilege of discovering this sweet and honest little book.

Need a nice little stocking stuffer that will keep giving through out the year?  Pick up a copy of Secrets Kids Know--the Adults Ought to Learn by Allen Klein!  {Speaking of Christmas shopping, please remember to check out the Mom Shop Hop and buy from some hard working moms this year!}

How do you keep your childlike ways?

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