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Friday, April 6, 2018

Please Pray For Her Rescue

Dear Friends,
This is the quickest take there is! I am hopping on and linking up with Kelly to ask for some fervent prayers for a special little girl.

Lily, who is named for Our Lady, is desperately ill and in so much pain.

Her mother explains the situation here:
"Lily was just diagnosed with Macrophage Activation Syndrome. A serious complication of SJIA. Her immune system is attacking her blood cells. We are trying an aggressive treatment at home but may need hospitalization. MAS gets bad FAST and its deadly. It's also heartbreaking because only 3% of kids with SJIA get MAS the fact that she did so soon after diagnosis is not a good sign. It means her case is more complicated than we hoped. She has a more serious case. Lily is hurting." 

Lauren, her mother, says the steroids seem to be helping but this poor baby is still suffering and far from out of the woods.

Lauren and her husband, Erik, have asked for this request to be shared on as many prayer chains as possible. Please pray and share!

The photo above is Lily's twin praying for her! Thank you! 

My heart is so heavy for my friend and her baby, thank you for caring!

Dear Father in Heaven, hear our plea and delivery baby Lily from her suffering!

Do you have an intention in need of prayer? Please comment below so we can pray for each other.

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