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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Giving so Other May Serve

You know that I have a heart for religious vocations!  Peter Lyons is running a fundraising campaign to help him begin his priestly discernment.  This boy is such a polished, eloquent young man.

When I donated, although I wish I could have paid for the whole trip, Peter sent me a personal email. It was not a form letter, it was a heartfelt message. He thanked me, promised to pray for me, and then named exact times and places where he would pray for my intentions.  Who couldn't use a some extra prayer, especially when offered by a soul so ablazed for Christ!

We need priests, we pray for priests, let's help get more!  I know that there are so many in need. At times, the health of need is overwhelming. The unbelievable stories of loss and hardship can be more than one can bear!  However, there is always hope. God will always prevail, and while we must respond to those knocked down and bloodied by this fallen world, how much greater it is to raise up light to outshine the darkness.  If you have anything, even $2, $5, or $10, please consider sharing with Peter.

What can those few dollars buy you?  Will they really alter the coarse of your life?  Your few dollars paired with a few dollars from others could change the coarse of history in the hands on this young man.  Support him in learning how to serve Christ with his life and all that he is. We need courageous young people, Peter is a model of such.  If you truly cannot give, please pray for Peter. It may be that God has other plans. Perhaps He will provide the funds in a way we cannot even dream.  Perhaps God has a path prepared that doesn't include Rome, or the priesthood. Perhaps Christ will meet Peter and call him to drop his nets and follow in the coarse of ordinary daily chores and a local, familiar shore. Whatever God's Plan, pray for Peter to have the doors to his vocation flung open and fully funded!  God bless!

Go Fund Peter and send the Good News to the ends of the earth!

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