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Friday, May 8, 2015

Summer Reading Catholic Book Bundle Giveaway!

In case you haven't heard, I was blessed to attend the CHAPLET 2015 conference with Kelly with whom I am linking up for Seven Quick Takes.


Books are a girl's real best friend!  Keep your diamonds, give me books!  There were plenty of books at the conference. One of my favorite vendors at any Catholic conference is the Pauline Sisters. Who could not just fall in love with beautiful nuns who also love and produce books???


Last year, I picked up a stack of Song to Mary books, they are just beautiful!  Aside from the gorgeous artwork paired with each prayer or litany, everything is printed in both Latin and English.  My hope was to use these as a Latin supplement. Pray and learn--a ponderous plan. I just need to improve my Latin before then!  This little book is a true treasure, suitable for any Catholic, for any occasion.


So once I decided that I HAD to purchase another copy of Song to Mary , I decided to create a little book bundle to giveaway. The Pauline sisters publish so many lovely books, and we've already discussed my book problem!  I encourage you to visit their stores or website to see the great array of books. I chose a stack perfect for summer reading for any child. For independent reading, I would put these at a 3rd grade level.


Here are the additional books that I am giving away:

Now You're Cooking, a book of entertaining short stories paired with delicious, easy to prepare recipes!

Family Ties, thirteen short, easy to read stories about what it means to be a family.

Saints of Note, in comic book style, this is a very colorful and engaging book. It explores the lives of fourteen saints through the eyes of time travelling kids, it also includes pages of interesting facts and amazing stories for each saint.


These books are all "quick reads."  If you are looking for something with more meat, check out  Encounter the Saints series!  We also really enjoy 57 Saints, it is by far our favorite collection of saint stories.


Before we get to the giveaway, since we are celebrating religious vocations both in the Church this year, and in this post, please visit and consider donating to Peter's priesthood discernment fund!

Also, don't forget to enter the 18" doll gown giveaway that ends on May 16th!

Lastly, I am still trying to get in touch with Becky D. who was the winner of the toddler art pack.  If you are Becky or know her, please contact me. Thanks.


Here is the giveaway, four books and a handmade bookmark.

Please visit Pauline books and tell me which book you would like to read by commenting below.One winner will be chosen and announced on May 23rd.


  1. I like the Saints Alive book. Our family love reading the lives of the saints. We get a lot of inspiration from them. Thank you for this opportunity. God bless!

  2. I would love to read the Saints Alive! The Gospel Witnessed book. My knowledge of the saints is very rudimentary and I would love to learn more.

  3. I'd like to read Ablaze: Stories of Daring Teen Saints.

  4. We'd love to have 57 Saints!

  5. I would love to read "See yourself through God's eyes". I sit alone alot in waiting rooms while my husband under goes treament for his cancer and sometimes I vent to God alot about that!! I really wonder what He must think of me!! Thanks!! Would love this bundle too -- especilaly Song of Mary God Bless you!!

  6. I would love to start a collection of the Encounter the Saints stories. 57 Saints looks like a good one too!

  7. Kathy, please email me. You have won the book bundle. Thanks.
