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Friday, June 24, 2016

7QT: Why I Haven't Been Blogging

Linking up with Kelly who is down in Virginia getting ready for her talk at the National IHM Conference.  I know she will do a great job!  If you happen to go, please stop by and say hi to her!

The school year is busy. The whole year seems busy actually, but school time is the craziest.  We wrapped up our year on June 1st.  June is traditionally our time to kick back and relax.  We also try to catch up with all those friends we have planned to visit all year but never got to.  You would think homeschooling would give you more time for things like that, but everyone's schedule is crazy these days, so it usually doesn't

While June ended up busier than I would have liked.  We did finally meet up with my friend, Sarah, at the park. We have been trying to meet up since she had her newest love--who is now seven months old! The kids had a blast getting wet and muddy in the stream just in time for my dermatology appointment.  At least kids wash well.

Hubby wrangled his mom and aunt for 48 hours of babysitting and spirited me away.  It was a birthday present because I didn't want a party to announce my big birthday.  We didn't do anything big. Went just far enough away so that we couldn't be home at a moment's notice but were close enough in case we needed to get home.

I can't say we did anything that amazing but it felt great to get out and spend time together.  We took a walk, slept in (and all night--no one yelling, "Mom!" at 1 AM), went out to eat, and as Hubby puts it, "Actually finished an entire conversation in less than a month's time."  My favorite part was the three hours we spent at a FSSP parish for Friday evening Adoration, High Mass and special blessing by a newly ordained priest.  It was a blessing in more ways that one.

I have been writing for Seton Magazine. No, I'm not on staff writing every day, but it has taken some of my attention.  It is a great experience, I just need to find a way to juggle both.  It's hard to throw a "quick takes" together when I have a deadline for a magazine that is paying me to write.  You can check out my latest article here. There are a few more in the works, stay tuned!

Then there is that "little event" called the mother/daughter retreat.  It is all coming together and we are looking forward to tomorrow afternoon, but it has been a lot of work.  I will be posting some sample talks and photos in the coming weeks.  A little prayer for success tomorrow afternoon will be greatly appreciated!

Remember that patch of lawn that I wanted to turn into a garden?  Well, it is a garden! The fenced garden is 600 sq ft.  There is an additional "flower and herb" garden that is 200 sq feet.  The second one is more a dream and a plan but there are a few things planted there, more coming in the fall.  It was SO MUCH WORK!  I knew it would be a lot, I had no idea just how much. Thankfully, Hubby and the kids pitched in.  Our progress in growing food isn't astounding.  We planted pretty late because getting beds built took so long.  However, the carrots and Swiss chard are looking beautiful.

We had the surprise of a lifetime in April....we found out just what we are getting for Christmas!

I sent out this announcement:
We discovered our Christmas gift early this year.  We look forward to joyfully welcoming our newest blessing around December 20, 2016.
"The Almighty has done a great thing for me, and Holy is His Name."
Luke 1:49

That's right, there's a new little bundle of joy joining our crew and we couldn't be happier!  Needless to say my energy level has taken a nose dive.  Every time I sat down to write something, my body would coax me to sleep.  I've really never been so tired while pregnant.  So my blogging energy is going to a bigger project, sorry!

Did I mention the garden?  Good golly, Miss Molly that was a lot of work.  Following is my husband's recipe of how not to start a garden.
  1. Have an unusually cold and miserable spring after a warm and balmy winter.
  2. Realize that you left your garden tools at the old house and take two weeks to pick them up.
  3. Make sure that your wife is pregnant--not noticeably so that she gets sympathy and extra help, just enough that she is exhausted and you pick up the slack to hide the fact that she is dragging.
  4. Decide to dig the garden by hand in a rocky yard during an extended dry spell.
  5. Give up and rent a rototiller on the one day that it reaches 92 degrees and 85% humidity--followed, of course, by a week of temps in the 60's.
  6. Have an active, inquisitive, and mischievous two year old as your right hand man.
  7. Pick a plot with just as much wildlife as it has rocks.
  8. Move into a well manicured neighborhood so your neighbors can stare at these strange homeschoolers who are wasting time planting food instead of mowing their lawn and mulching their landscaped beds.
LOL...well, we got it done anyway!  As Hubby says, it's not the most important thing we are growing this season.

How's your summer shaping up?


  1. Congratulations! I will keep you and baby in my prayers.

    1. Thank you, Christine. God bless you and your family.
