June is my "off" month. No school, no activities---just lounging and relaxing bliss! Well, that is how I imagine it each year but it seems every year there is more going on and more to do. I am thankful for no school until I hear the rejoicing of all my tradition school friends when their children go back to school echoing in my head and then I think, "Perhaps it would be good if school were back in session."
Oops, that means I need to teach! Let the free range craziness dotted with organized activities persist!
Teaching a 3 year old to fry his own eggs (under supervision--please don't report me for child endangerment) has it's reward of him learning to be self sufficient and choosing a protein packed breakfast. The downside, you go through a lot of eggs!
This reminds me of when I taught Buddy how to use the apple slicer--apples for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack for all! These kids keep life interesting.
On the topic of interesting life, Hubby and I just celebrated our 15th anniversary. What a wild ride. Seems hard to believe it has been so long, then we look at our growing family and realize just how long we have been at this crazy life. The kids have provided plenty of material for laughs and deep conversation. Hubby asked what we would talk about if we didn't have them..ummm...cricket noise...cricket noise...there's always the weather.
Beauty Tuesday is here every Tuesday! Please, come and link up. Share your stories of God's goodness, photos of your latest pinterest attempt, funny things your children say...you get the idea. No need for deep philosophical or theological posts. Just stop by, link up, join the party, and make this little corner of the blogosphere a bit prettier.
I learned this week that our emergency laundry kit actually works. What is an emergency laundry kit? Why a bucket and a breathing washer, of course. I purchased it as part of my emergency preparedness campaign.
While keeping up with a family of 6 with only a breathing washer and 5 gallon bucket is a bit of work. I was surprised to learn it can be done. Plus my arms are getting nice and tone for beach season. I also told Hubby that if "the end of the world as we know it" happens, we have a marketable, post-apocalyptic skill as launderers. ;)
Speaking of learning, I have a new job. I am very excited to be a part of the Global Learn Day team. I am doing some blogging and keeping up the Twitter account. So, stop by and show me some love. We have great events in the works for October 7th.
So, have you read this far just to get to the giveaway? It's okay, I understand. I am giving away a $10 gift card to my etsy shop for any item you wish. More items are being added this weekend, too. Shipping additional. Please click the link below and join the contest.