I have to warn you, this is a bit of a photo dump, but my Little Man turned 2 so I had to share.
It was a beautiful but hot day for the party--hottest all summer! I made a couple of simple decorations and then the big kids decided to help make a couple more. We had a very simple party but it was very cute!
The banner says "Choo Choo I'm Two" but it wouldn't come out in any of the pictures.
Buddy's decoration
Cowgirl's decoration
A train centerpiece with "snack" car. I had planned on making three cars to hold the dry snacks (pretzels, corn chips, and popcorn) but was only able to hunt down one box.
I really wanted a special outfit for Little Man. They grow so quickly, I might as well get the cutsy thing in while I can. I scoured Etsy for just the right thing, and came very close to finding it, but the cost was more than I could justify. So, I took matters into my own hands. I found a very nice romper on ebay for $18 with shipping. Then, I created an applique out of felt to add some personalization. It came out pretty good, but don't look too closely at my stitches. It took until I was sewing the last wheel on to figure out that if I unsnapped the crotch, I could actually fit my hand inside comfortably to sew....sigh.
I was happy that I found an economical outfit because it gave me a little room to splurge on the cake. I visited a local bakery. (I should say the only local bakery for miles around, but if you are only going to have one, it helps when it's the best!) I had planned on purchasing 50 cupcakes with blue and green sprinkles, then making them into the shape of a number 2, adding licorice laces for track and placing the train I bought Little Man on the tracks. The problem was, I couldn't find licorice laces anywhere. The bakery was my last hope as they sell Dutch specialties, too. I asked the cashier, after ordering my cupcakes, if they sold licorice laces because I planned on using them for track. I told her about my vision for the cupcakes. She told me they didn't, but she could have the baker make the cupcakes into a 2, frost the whole thing, and pipe a track on it to boot. I was sold. It cost a little bit more, but with a heat index of 105 degrees, there was no way I was turning on my oven to make 50+ cupcakes, and the big kids were doing a Polar bear Swim Challenge each morning EARLY, then had afternoon swim lessons. My time was short and I realized it. The cake turned out even better than I could have imagined and I was so happy I left this job to the professionals, even though I normally bake all the birthday cakes myself.
This little guy is funny, it is so hard to get a picture of him. Nine times out of ten, i can only catch one if he is eating. I sat him on the bench and asked him to smile so I could take his picture. Of course, he made this crazy face that made him look half drunk. I asked for a nice smile, and got the top picture--then I realized he wasn't wearing his birthday outfit yet. I had wanted a nice picture to get made up for family...alas this is what I have!
I can't believe my little roley poley baby boy has grown so much! Where did the time go?

I must learn to stop blinking, already!!!
How has your week been? Hop over to Like Mother, Like Daughter for more pictures of contentment.