Friday, May 26, 2017

My week in #7QT

Ok, so I am linking up with Kelly to bring you a little glimpse at the past 8 days at the Veils and Vocations homestead.

Last Friday, Cowgirl spent a day at the Parish Visitors convent.  She had a great time at the "girls day."  What an amazing experience for young girls.  This meant 4 hours in the car but it was well worth it.

The weekend was so busy.  I racked up another 8+ hours in the car those two days.  Good thing we have the van with plenty of room and decent fuel economy! Sunday, the boys had a fishing derby at a friend's farm for Troop of St George.  Everyone needs a friend with a farm.

Monday we tried to just catch our breath after a crazy few days.  I had that travel hang-over you get from long road trips but we were local and home the whole time. I should note that in our neck of the woods anything under an hour is considered local.

Had my first link up on #BeautyTuesday  Did you miss it?  Check it out and please be sure to come back next Tuesday!

There was that little incident with the fire ants,  four ticks, a broken glass, a maimed ceramic bunny, and a slow cooker dinner that finished cooking about 20 mins after we ate a makeshift meal, but hey, all in all, nothing worth noting happened around here.

End of the year recital for our fine arts school took most of our day followed by Buddy's Irish step class.  I truly appreciate that my children have these opportunities but I am so ready for summer vacation.  Eight hours at fine arts school followed by a step class is a REALLY long day with my littles.

Thursday was the type of day made for a warm quilt, a cup of tea, and a good book.  None of those happened but that was the type of day it was--rainy and dark.  

I spent a lot of time setting up social media accounts for my etsy shop and mobilizing the troops to lean up the mess that is trailed throughout the house after so many hectic days.

It's Friday, again.  We are supposed to go to riding but it is still damp and rainy.  However, we are packing up for a road trip adventure to visit family this holiday weekend.  I will probably drive less this weekend on our out of state trip than I did last weekend just staying local.

Say a little prayer for me.  This is my first solo road trip with all four kiddos.  Little Lady's first road trip ever--although she is well acquainted with car rides thanks to her very social and active siblings.

How is your week going?  Any plans for the holiday weekend?

To all my readers who serve or have spouses or children who do, thank you for your service!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Beauty Tuesday: A Link-up

Please link up your posts of beauty below.  Don't forget to link back to this post.  Thanks.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, May 19, 2017

#7QT Big Doings

Linking up with Kelly to bring you some coming attractions and, as my mother would have said, "Big doings!"  here at Veils and Vocations.

I have reopened my etsy shop and am stocking it to the brim!  In honor of my grand re-opening, I am offering free shipping for all my readers with coupon code FREESHIPMAY.  So, feel free to cyber mosey over and do some window shopping!

I have wanted, for some time, to write a book for young girls to learn about different Catholic orders complete with activities and trivia.  Seeing as it is a monumental task to just write a blog post, I am working on creating a resource page with links and info on as many orders as I can find.  Eventually there will be activities, too.  Please, keep your eyes open!

Also, in the works is a new mother/daughter program.   It's still very much in the planning stage but will be out next spring.  I know, I am still getting the other one posted.  Please be patient, I am currently typing with three fingers while balancing a curious 5 month old and dodging a raucous 3 year old.  The title of the new retreat is set, " Beauty, Truth, Goodness--Joy!"

I have decided that Veils and Vocations needs a little something.  So, next Tuesday, will be our first weekly link-up called Beauty Tuesday.   Come back here every Tuesday, for a link up to share all that is beautiful in the world as a refreshing little oasis against the hard struggle beating down around us.

Little Lady turned 5 months old--FIVE!  I am so enjoying my little Lovie-Lu but it is time to press the pause button.  Her first year is flying by too quickly.

School year is almost out in our little home academy.  Deo Gratis!!! I need a break.  So looking forward to June, our lazy month of family visits, sleeping in (well, as late as we can with the sun breaking through at 6 AM and a couple of little early birds in the family) and just not having to be anywhere every day.  The amount of energy it takes to get everyone out of the house for all these activities could power a small city!

Planning for next year has begun!  Have you started?  Did you ever stop?  Me, neither.  "Let's Get Planning" posts are right around the corner.  I have lots to share including some great FREE, that's right, FREE resources that just might save your sanity next year.

How is your week going?  Any big news in your neck of the woods?

Friday, May 12, 2017

Homeschool Tips in #7QT

School is almost out over here at the Academy of St Therese for the Glories of God.  It has me thinking quite a bit about next year.  There is so much I want to do, but only so many hours in a day and these kids are growing like weeds!  Here are some tips to keep the homeschool ball rolling AND enjoy your children's childhood.

Linking up with Kelly this fine Friday.

Tip #1 Take time outside the classroom.  We have had a crazy year with the new baby and all so I have felt more guilty than usual taking a day off to do something different.  However, those field trips and projects are still learning.  They are also special memories! 

Tip # 2 Don' be afraid to change the plan. We've all been there.  The year's plan is meticulously done.  You envision a year full of growth and success beyond your wildest dreams, and then it happens.  That perfect book/program/course just isn't working.  Everyone is miserable--but what about the plan?  Man plans, God laughs!  

When it isn't working, be willing to change.  Maybe it needs a different approach.  Perhaps your child needs to jump ahead, or step back a bit.  Whatever it is, be willing to be flexible.  In the end it will be for the best.

Tip #3 When it isn't working read a good book or two!  This one I borrowed from Andrew Pudewa and it is my go to tip.  Books are so much more than reading practice.  Lose yourself in some good literature.  Learn while you spend some quiet time together.  Regroup and move on!

Tip #4 Trust your instinct!  You know your child better than anyone.  Plus,  even the best curricula is written in a one size fits all fashion.  If you know your child could succeed if she only got x, y, and z but your instructions say to do r and q, go with your gut. Wish I could have told that to my homeschooling newbie-self.

Tip #5  Foster your child's interests and his God-given skills.  We all want our child to have a successful and prosperous future.  Let's be honest, though, not everyone is meant to be a lawyer, doctor, or engineer.  God made each of us unique, and that is a blessing. It not only makes the world go around, it keeps life interesting.  Make time and space in your lesson plans for your child to explore what excites him.  Who knows, that could just be his calling?

Tip #6  Let someone else do the teaching!  This has been a huge sanity saver and has also greatly enriched our experience.  I am test driving several online resources for next year, but I also have to give a plug to really good movies. I know, I know--screen time!  

Well, I am one who seriously limits screen time but I use the tie my kids do spend plugged in to enhance their learning.  I am always on the hunt for new videos--especially since my children can pretty much recite the entire script of favorites like Liberty's Kids and Wild Kratts.

Pure Flix has a nice selection of Christian movies, especially education videos that I plan to learn more about.  Check out their suggestions below!

Tip #7  Remember the ultimate goal is leading your child to Heaven, not just graduation! 

Do you have any tips to share?  I'd love to hear them.